Prostyle Hotel Ho Chi Minh has been choosed as a scene of ” Vuong Mieng Xuong Rong ” .
Thank you for the participation of Ho Bich Tram and Ha Chi Quang. The first episode was on August 12, 2020.
Prostyle Hotel Ho Chi Minh has won the Luxury Lifestyle 2020 Hotel category in New York.
2 minutes walk to convenient and convenient Nihonmachi, 4 minutes walk to Vincom Center on Dong Khoi Street.
When you come to saigon, please spend a substantial time at “Pro Style Hotel Ho Chi Minh” in the central area of District 1.
To make a reservation, click the BOOK NOW button on the top page.
Please come to Saigon on this occasion.
Prostyle hotel ho chi minh
ADD:26 Thi Sach Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam